At all DD4ALL divers.

Congratulations to Jason Lim on successfully completing his final IDREO DEEP 1 instructor evaluation by IDREO IT Nick Toussaint.


- Jason, based in Kuala Lumpur and a now D1 instructor at IDREO.ORG.

To become this level instructor Jason as did very good and hard work.
And we are happy to have them as DD4ALL member as well.

Next to being a very good educator for divers Jason is doing lots of charity work as well.

Each year Jason and his local dive team sponsoring great project awareness work.  

Jason's personal touch in helping them to achieve what they miss off and sharing part of our life together.

Where the student was not able to proceed by financial reason Jason did that on non-profit based,

with as personal goal to help them find their way to sustain their daily life to survive.

With this mindset Jason educated numbers of locals that a better and soled life as scuba instructors.


 Welcome Jason.

Views: 413

Tags: 1, DEEP, IDREO.ORG, Instructor, Jason, Lim


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Comment by Jason Lim on October 30, 2014 at 1:48pm
I am delighted to be accepted as DIR AND IDREO Family. Together , we share our passion and our knowledge :)

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